I tend to whine during the early days of training. My wife notices it. And she makes sure that I know she notices it. So, in addition to being mindful to hitting my workouts, I must also be mindful of my tongue.
Over the last 4 years, I've acquired some "over use" injuries. Both knees hurt from Runner's Knee and now I have this thing with both feet. Sometimes when I'm running (or walking), it feels like my foot is broken. I have to stop. On some days around the house, I'm limping and some days I am not. I can't explain it. I had a similar injury 2 years ago and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong. Both an X-Ray and an MRI were negative. He ended up giving me a shot of cortisone and an oral mediaction with the same medicinal effect. I guess it worked because it got me through the rest of training with 2 months to go to race day. And it got me through the race: my second IM finish. But they are still with me and these nagging, annoying injuries get the best of me and make me whine. I start to focus on them instead of the workout itself. They hang over my head and penetrate my performance because it just doesn't feel good to run. I used to love to run but these "hurts" really hurt and block me from really pushing hard.
Today's workout was a 1 hour run. I was dreading it. Factor in the weather, rain and cold, and my whine was in full swing. Actually, I need to give myself a break here and state that it's not that bad. I think my wife is over sensitive to it. But nonetheless, I did catch myself whining today as I procrastinated over when to start. Finally, driven by the foul conditions, I got out there and actually had a decent run. The foot hurt but I got through it with little trouble. There was no need to stop and the last 30 minutes actually felt very good.
When I arrived home, I felt the need to complain about my knee's. They were sore. As I made my way inside, I saw my wife and she asked me how my run was. I hesitated and then said, "Fine." And then added, "Wet too." She smiled.